Zombie World

Every Damned Thing About Zombies

George Romero’s Twilight of the Dead In Pre-Production

George A Romero’s Twilight of the Dead, a previously unfinished screenplay is now in production, with accomplished director Brad Anderson on board. Despite the fact that poor George A. Romero, the mastermind behind the ‘one zombie film to rule them all’ – Night of the Living Dead — died back in 2017. Night of the Living Dead was the first of a very loosely connected string of Romero’s “slow zombie” movies, including Dawn of the Dead,and Day of the Dead.

It’s filming in Puerto Rico, which makes sense, given that it takes place on a tropical island (probably not related to the zombie-infested island that the survivors go to at the end of Zach Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead, but wouldn’t that be cool?).
According to the press release, it explores:

“The dark nature of humanity from the perspective of the last human on Earth, caught between factions of the undead.”

So basically not a light comedy. Probably not even any musical numbers, damn it.

Twilight of the Dead has been considered for production before – many times – but it’s never come this far. And Anderson is a *legit* professional. He helmed films like Halle Berry’s The Call, David Caruso’s Session 9 (an actual horror movie), and Christian Bale’s pre-Bane weirdness, The Machinist.

Nothing has been confirmed yet so far as casting, release date, or if this is going straight to one of the streaming networks instead of theaters. At this point, we’re just hoping that we will see it some time in 2024!

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